fusionSpan Logos
Logo with tagline
Logo without tagline
Logo in White
Logo without a globe
Logo Round
fusionConnect Logo
fusionCore Logo
fusionSpan Onboarding Logo
fusionPay Logo
fusionSpan Newsletter Logo
I joined fusionSpan!
FUNcon21 Zoom Backgrounds
Zoom Backgrounds
fusionSpan Thankful
fusionSpan Fall
fusionSpan Seasonal
Black History Month brand background
Women’s History Month
People team Zoom Background
505 Time Out Zoom Background
Zoom Background
Zoom Backgrounds With Country Flags
AppCon24 Zoom Backgrounds
Pride Logo Zoom Background
Halloween Zoom Background
Social Media Banners
Linkedln Profile Cover
LinkedIn Company Page Cover
fusionSpan Health & Wellness
Work Anniversary LinkedIn Posts
fusionSpan DataSheets
Style Guide
4-Color Process Usage
Eastern Blue
Hex: #1c80b7
RGB: 28/128/183
Hex: #ffffff
RGB: 255/255/255
Hex: #4e4d4d
RGB: 78/77/7
Nile Blue:
Hex: #233862
RGB: 35/56/98
Aqua Haze:
Hex: #e6f4fb
RGB: 230/244/251
Morning Glory:
Hex: #92dcd7
RGB: 146/220/215
Hex: #f5f5f5
RGB: 245/245/245
Hex: #ff7654
RGB: 255/118/84
Pastel Red:
Hex: #e94b65
RGB: 233/75/101
Hex: #f7f0e7
RGB: 247/240/231
The consistent use of the same typefaces helps build are cognizable identity.
Two main typefaces are available: Lato, and Lora.
- Font used in organization name: Century Gothic
- Font used in Council tag line: Source Sans pro
Additional accent fonts, used to achieve a specific feel, can be used at the
designer’s discretion, but must be approved by fusionSpan.
Social Media Banners