Transforming User Experience with a Unified Preference Center

Project Goals

CREW Network, a premier global business network for commercial real estate professionals, faced a significant challenge in managing user preferences across various communication and technology platforms. At the time, CREW Network operated four separate preference centers on different technology systems, confusing users and limiting their ability to tailor preferences effectively. The organization needed a universal preference center to provide a simple, clear, and intuitive way for users to manage their individual preferences, thus enhancing their experience and ensuring that data and communications were tailored to their needs.

fusionSpan’s objective was to lead the organization through a discovery process to streamline and enhance how CREW Network’s users manage their preferences. By unifying multiple systems into a single, coherent preference center, fusionSpan aimed to improve user experience, expand available options, and ensure seamless integration with existing technologies. The new system needed to be intuitive and comprehensive, providing users easy access to their preferences while maintaining security and compliance standards.

  • Consolidate Preference Centers: Integrate the four existing preference centers into a unified system.
  • Improve User Experience: Ensure the new preference center is user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible.
  • Expand Preference Options: Offer a broader range of preferences, including communication, app, privacy, and cookie preferences.
  • Seamless Integration: Ensure the new system integrates seamlessly with existing technologies and platforms.
  • Simplified Access: Easy access to email preference settings without requiring user login.

Services We Provided

  • Digital Strategy Consulting
  • Discovery
  • Data Analysis
  • Integration Strategy
  • User Stories and Requirements Documentation
  • Wireframes and Design
Project Challenges

Despite the clear vision, the project faced several challenges. Integrating disparate technology systems into a unified platform required a thorough understanding of the movement of data between systems.

A unified preference center was needed to accommodate the distinct requirements of four different tech tools, each lacking compatibility with the others. This project required a deep understanding of the data collected by each system and meticulous planning to ensure seamless data mapping and integration across all platforms. Maintaining robust privacy and security measures and providing email preference settings without requiring a login while preserving data integrity posed a unique challenge.
Technology Integration:

The existing preference centers operated on different technology systems, which made integrating them into a single platform challenging.

User Experience:

Creating a preference center that was simple and intuitive for all users and integrated settings from multiple systems.

Communication Management:

Ensuring users have a smooth and user-friendly experience via chapter and national communication channels, allowing individuals to tailor their communication needs.

Understanding Vendor Managed Systems:

Gathering a deep understanding of the different tech tools to know how to execute data mapping from each and ensure seamless integration.

Data Synchronization:

Ensuring real-time synchronization of preferences across various platforms and technologies.

Privacy and Compliance:

Adhering to compliance with relevant data protection regulations.

Solutions and Outcomes

Solution Approach:

fusionSpan’s approach to this problem was to thoroughly analyze CREW Network’s existing technology stack and user needs. This deep dive provided the necessary insights to develop a tailored solution that addressed the identified challenges.
Solution Implementation:
  • Tailored Communications:
    • User Experience: The preference center was designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for users to navigate and manage their preferences.

    • Communication Management: Individuals should clearly understand their preference options and only receive agreed-upon communications.

  • Universal Preference Cente:
    • Integration: The new universal preference center was designed to be hosted on Storyblok with data stored in netForum. It will integrate communication preferences from Adestra, Higher Logic, PropFuel, and app preferences from Clowder.

    • Privacy and Cookie Preferences: A new set of privacy and data management preferences, including cookie preferences, was introduced.

    • Seamless Redirection: Higher Logic preferences will be configured to redirect to the netForum Universal Preference Center, allowing the user to control most–if not all–in one place.

  • Simplified Communication Preference Center:
    • Footer Access: A simplified version of the communication preference center will be made available in the footer of all emails, allowing users to manage email subscriptions without logging in. This provides easy access for users who preferred not to log into the main preference center.

  • App-Specific Preferences:
    • Clowder Integration: Group preferences within the Clowder app will remain available for ease of use and will also be replicated in the netForum preference center to ensure consistency.


A comprehensive strategy was developed by leveraging fusionSpan’s knowledge of user experience and preference centers and understanding CREW Network’s technology and user needs. The new universal preference center will significantly improve the user experience by providing a simple, clear, intuitive way to manage preferences. This consolidation will enhance the overall user experience and ensure CREW Network's ability to tailor communications and data management to serve its users’ needs better. The success of this discovery highlights the importance of integrating technology and user-centric design to address complex organizational challenges.

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